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Celotna zgodba



Many thanks to those who have donated to help support the vulnerable in their time of need. As last Friday all funds gathered for Ukraine Relief Fund have been transferred 1/3 to Hungry mission and 2/3 to Poland mission. Funds have been used:

  •  In Poland some of the monies were used to buy old vans to then travel and rescue those most vulnerable from harms way. 

  • Warehouses are organized on the border regions to gather supplies of: Water, food, and hygiene products, which are then transported across the border to churches who are distributing them to the needy. 

  • Both in Poland and Hungary the refugees are received across the border, given food and allowed space to wash and rest before moving to temporary shelters. 

  • Both Poland and Hungary are helping to connect the vulnerable and needy to opportunities for temporary accommodation.  

  • 100% of funds are going directly to the needs of those displaced by the war. 

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Donirajte za Ukrajino

Donacije lahko nakažete na račun Mozaika.

Binkoštna cerkev Center Ljubljana 
Celovška cesta 70, 1000 Ljubljana
Namen: "Ukrajina"

TRR: SI56 0201 3026 2915 797

Donirate lahko tudi preko PayPal-a.
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Naš cilj je podpreti tiste,

ki so v resnični potrebi zaradi posledic vojne.

Da bi bili aktivni v naši ljubezni in sočutju do bližnjih. 

Za več informacij nam pišite!

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